Things to do in Rome

And we arrived in Rome !, after almost a twelve hours flight. I can’t believe that after all these years of dreaming about this country, I’m finally in Italy. From Lima, we booked an apartment onย airbnb.comย for three days. The owner of the place offered to pick us up from the airport. He was a very friendly and talkative Italian, who gave us a city map (hand-drawn by himself) which had information on the most important sites in Rome


Day 1: Colosseum, Roman Forum and Trevi Fountain

March was a very cold month and we regret not buying an online entrance ticket to the Colosseum. After a long wait, we finally got in. It was a very interesting tour and I remember being very excited and looking at every place in the colosseum. At certain times, you have to be careful not hit anyone because there will be many people walking around, speaking in multiple languages and trying to take the perfect picture of the colosseum.





Fontana di Trevi


Day 2: Vatican and St. Peter’s Square

7:00 a.m. “wake up! we have to get there early” … “but I thought we were on vacations!”. Despite, I had to get up early, it was worth visiting the Vatican in the morning. We arrived a day after the new Pope Francisco (papa Francesco) was chosen. There were many cameras and reporters installing their equipment for the transmission of the first official Papal Mass.



Travel Tips:

  • Buy tickets for tourist attractions on the internet. Then, you will safe a lot of time and avoid long queues.
  • Favorite Food: cannoli, house wine (vino della casa) , Neapolitan pizza, cheese, prosciutto and cappuccinos.
  • Buy bottles of water in supermarkets, it’s much cheaper.
  • Restaurants near the tourist spots are expensive. It’s better to walk a little further to find local restaurants. Careful: Many places charge tourists “coperto” (service). Ask before entering to any place, otherwise you’ll be surprise when you get the check.


Author: Fiorella

Fiorella is the author of Chica On The Road. She is a Peruvian girl, who loves to travel. She lived in Bolivia, Italy, Australia, United States, Canada, Germany, and Southeast Asia. She created this travel blog to inspire others to travel more and share travel tips. She is now learning Italian and still traveling.

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